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what the..

Sharon was my coursemate during the diploma course. Anyway i don't even have her on my friendster list and i see her testimonial to Drew in friendster!? like WHAT!?! hehehhe...

Yam damn tired. The next time you see a 1 or even 2 minute commercial on TV, please take into regard the amount of tinme and freakin effort it took to film that. Was at RUSH yesterday from 7am-6pm for the filming of Maxis' HOTLINK ad for the 'pek perayaan RM 10'. My feet are going to fall off anytime soon. Dunno if my mug will even be seen on TV? Just being an extra lar, but the food ( 3 meals!) was quite good.
Still, I managed to make it for Pei Yi's bday where i actually ate more than the boyfriend( and he can really put his food away). The expression on his face was priceless when i took a second helping. Hahah!

Thanks, Joyce, for the job 'lubang'. It was good to see you again too! *hugs*

Got a new pair of sweatpants and car wipers(isn't this a weird gift?!) from the bf.

College starts this week. Enjoy your holidays, MMU students. It will come to an end all too soon. *Evilevil laugh*

p.s : Going to Genting this coming weekend. Should be quite chilly there, just the way that penguin boyfriend of mine likes it.

PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!