Monday, September 28, 2009

He has a twisted sense of humour...(Photos included)

..but I love him so.

That twisted streak in him rears is evident in photos captured during our Scotland trip like the one where...

he grabbed/covered my mouth outside the Dewars whisky distillery.

And how about the time he took pictures of..

..sheep dip (or shite.Poo.Defecate.Excremement wtf)

Or making me pretend that my hand is a train.

Btw, we missed the train in the background. Apparently it only runs once a day, and we missed it =( The train in the background appears in one of the Harry Potter films apparently (don't ask me which one, I don't like Harry Potter but am a bit disappointed we didn't get to see it).

He even likes to take pictures of me sneezing.

And taking the piss out of tourist attractions is loads of fun as well for ushim wtf.

But wtf, catching me when I'm literally with my pants down?!


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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

PSP 3000 - Piano Black + Peanut Batman game

Got kind of sick of the boyfriend's constant unhealthy attachment to his PSP that when we were in a shopping mall in Glasgow, and wandered into a GAME shop and saw that PSP consoles were going for quite good prices. And so I caved....

Logitech case for this baby. Looks a lot nicer than beebee's case, but I'd have to say that his PSP case is a lot more functional as there is space to keep game discs in it.Pffffft.

My console came bundled with a Lego Batman game (hence the Peanut moniker I'm giving it; don't believe me? Go see what little yellow Lego Men look like). The new PSP is due to be released soon in October if I'm not mistaken, but at the estimated launch price, I'd much rather pay a bit more money and get an Xbox 360 or the new PS3 Slim.

And then just before typing this post I got bored, and made our PSPs *ehem*

Sorry beebee, too bad you're asleep and by the time you see this it will be too late hurhurhur.

I'm aware the Scotland trip pictures are still due, but I've just had BOTH my parents add me on Facebook wtf and I'm kinda traumatized at this point -___-

ah ling

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Back from Scotland.. pictures YET.

Still too lazy to take them from the boyfriend's camera as we're packing stuff to be shipped back. Can I say our room looks like a shit hole. A horrendously messy shit hole to be precise -__-""

Back soon, I promise.

ah ling

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PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!