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Trying out SK-II's Pitera Miracle Water

For Christmas this year, the company has decided to allow us to buy anything (except for groceries, vouchers) up to a value of RM350 as a gift for ourselves (we are allowed to top up additional costs).

And so I got myself some products from:

I had to top up about RM650 more! -__-

So far, so good, have not had any breakouts *knock wood*

To my observation, the Miracle Water seems to be helping me balance my skin and reduce the amount of blackheads & whiteheads. Why do I say so? Well, yesterday I went for my facial (not SK-II facial, you can get an SK II facial done at the counter in MidValley's Metrojaya/Jusco i think. I believe it costs RM135 per facial), and my beautician didn't really extract many blackheads/whiteheads, which is a really good sign!

Let's see if the same happens again in a month's time and we'll know if it's really me having wistful thinking or not. Anyway the cleanser is out of stock currently in Malaysia and Singapore as well. Hmmmm.

Okay, just a quick post to share. And no, I'm not getting paid to blog about this.

ah ling

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1 comment

Cool. Will have to try it :)

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PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!