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So embarrassing-leh!


I tripped and according to my colleague, I bent my body and swung my handbag around (hey, I TRIPPED okay? What did you expect me to do? Catwalk and do the royal wave!?) before nearly falling into the huge murky puddle of water.

I tripped in front of so many people who were having dinner at the restaurant behind us.Wtf. My colleague was laughing so much, wtf =.=" If they were laughing, may they have choked on their food. But anyway, my right foot is now sprained. Damn effed up okay? Hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow so I can drive to work. *sigh*

Not a good week. Not a good week at all.

And Joyce, condolences again on your loss.

ah ling

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PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!