Human skin can turn green
No kidding. You know, people like to say stuff like "your face looks green", etc.etc.
Remember mypainballpaintball bruise I was talking about?
Congratulate me,please. Today, my bruise is no longer green. It turned yellow.
This is the result from only ONE shot.And my hands were covered. Darn, I bruise easily.
I've been getting kicks out of it by telling people that thepenguin boyfriend abused me. Other times the penguin boyfriend worries that people will think that he abused me.heheh.
Remember my
Congratulate me,please. Today, my bruise is no longer green. It turned yellow.
This is the result from only ONE shot.And my hands were covered. Darn, I bruise easily.
I've been getting kicks out of it by telling people that the