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Phone searching gives me a headache.

Apple iphone (white colour!), Nokia N95 (N96 is too bulky for me) or SE 980i?! Or even the new Google phone (available from T-Mobile only)?!?

18 or 12 months contract or Pay As You Go?

Change network service provider?!?


Re-thinking my options make me wonder if I should go for a cheaper phone so that I don't have to charge my PDA TWICE in a freakin' day, take up a 12 months sim only contract, buy a Gucci bag with the leftover money and then buy a new phone when I get back home.

Got stuck in the train yesterday for half an hour, and was uncontactable cos' my battery died, obviously. Luckily my housemate didn't leave the casino as he bumped into his friends, so he waited for me.

Same housemate said he will help me search online for a white iPhone this week, so will wait to see what his search comes up with. God, I am so loving his white iPhone. Should I steal it? Lol...joking, joking..< /EDIT>


Apple iphone - You would just end up with headaches.

Nokia N95 or N96 - Just not your style...

Google phone - Won't benefit you much on the long term...

Go for the SE 980I. You won't regret it. believe me.. I know.

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PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!