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Watching the boyfriend ride something else at Sunburst KL 2008.

Okay, no matter how WRONG the above title sounds, sadly, it is true.

I mean, the proof was right in front of my eyes. I even had time to take pictures catching him in the act. What could I do besides take photos?

After all, who am I to begrudge him a good time right? Especially since....*ehem ehem*

See what's written on the tickets?

Yup. Free tickets, free beer, great performances, got to listen to someone whom I've been dying to hear sing live perform, got to meet the person as well as spent the whole day with my darling.

The whole post later, this should be enough to bite on for a while since I am still waiting for some photos.

ah ling

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PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!