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I'm tired & cranky.

Kind of a really bad day at work.

No, scrape that.
It WAS a bad day at work.

Well it does pay for all the bills and more so I must hang on there! Thank god for the few people there who make it still bearable.

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Never take it too personal. Once the day is over, brush it off and walk out the door and have fun.

ahahaha i just realised your comment posted said "Donny's bits said.."

Beebee! I didn't know your bits had an opinion!! -__-""

Anyway yes, I am trying to hang in there so your advice will be really helpful. Muax!

we both have to stay S.T.R.O.N.G!
Miss you!

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PPP Direct I adopted a cute lil' mouse fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!